Are you sick and tired of being fatigued, out of shape and unhealthy/overweight? If you can’t take one more day, you are ready to take the Challenge. You don’t need to starve yourself or spend all day at the gym to get healthy or lose weight. We have been so brainwashed by fad diets, articles and advertising that we have forgotten how to think for ourselves. Our processed food diets are so lacking in nutrition that we require coffee to wake up, sugar to get through the day, television to calm down, alcohol to let go of our inhibitions, chocolate and ice-cream to feel satisfied, pills to sleep through the night, and drugs to provide us with the illusion of health.
8 Week Challenge delivers the truth about food, so that you can make intelligent and educated decisions for yourself. This knowledge will empower you to finally make some changes.
This is not a diet.
This is a way of life. A way to enjoy food. A way to lose stubborn weight, get rid of sugar addictions, improve digestion. A way to increase your energy, and eliminate aches and pains.
Whether you’re a busy person on the go, a corporate executive, or just someone looking for change. This plan is for you.
I know it can feel like a daunting task, making changes in your health. But we’ve got you covered. We help make meal planning and grocery shopping easy. 8 Week Challenge is no shakes, or pills or counting calories. Just real grocery store food with support the entire time. It’s a food-focused program with simple guidelines that anyone can follow. We teach you what to eat, when to eat and why for the entire 56 days. Personal support from our challenge leaders help guide and motivate you and your family members every step of the way. With access to our amazing app, complete with a recipe database, grocery lists, takeout/restaurant guide and the support messenger, which is one of the major reasons we believe our program has seen so much success over the years.
If you’re reading this, that means that you are in the pre-contemplation stage; you are thinking you want and should make some changes. Good for you! So before you start making any changes, take notice of how you feel and the role your diet plays.
- Do you wake up tired?
- Is coffee the only thing that gets you going in the morning?
- Are you cranky in the afternoon?
- Do you have little or no energy?
- Do you rely on soda or sugar for a little boost?
- Do you have trouble falling asleep?
- When you eat something unhealthy, how do you feel while you’re eating it? Right after? An hour later? How do you feel the next day?
Pay attention to the negative effect your current diet and lifestyle have on your body, moods and energy level. Perhaps start a little journal, writing what you eat and drink throughout the day and how you feel as a result. This way when you start your 8 Week Challenge journey, you’ll appreciate all of the results not just weight loss.
If you feel really invigorated and motivated and you’re ready to completely immerse yourself into the 8 Week Challenge lifestyle, then go for it! We will be there, waiting to share in this journey with you.
Love Briar
Co- Creator, 8 Week Challenge